Friday 21 February 2014

Homework (21/02/14)



1) Storybird - print out (due on Tuesday)


1)Viva Voce - for those who have not summited (due tonight at 2359h)
2) Do questions on math blog - question 1 on paper and question 2 in comment section.
3)Math level test 2012 practice paper on google site ( print out )


1) Learnt Chinese spelling - will be tested on monday
2) Do the Chinese composition - only part 1a


1) Upload the documents onto the IH file in the google drive ( ibook Chapter 1-3 on fieldwork and systems, mind map on tropical rainforest and presentation on deforestation)


1) Gather information about your research question on padlet and sent the link to your leaders.
2) Publish group members' links on google document (Leaders only)

1 comment:

  1. For Ih please remember to make your props for the debate
